Virgin toasted sesame oil

Virgin toasted sesame oil

Cauvin has selected this oil extracted from sesame, a herbaceous plant native to tropical regions. The seeds are roasted to enhance their aroma and cold pressed. Very popular in Asian cuisine, sesame oil has a slight toasted flavour that will give an exotic touch to your seasonings.


Countries of origin: Mexico and Africa

             Packaging               25cl – 50cl



Combined with soy sauce, it is ideal for all wok-fried vegetable dishes and for salad dressings. Drizzled over grilled fish, it is a feast for the taste buds. A few drops are enough to flavour your dishes and give them a subtle oriental note.

Average nutritional values per 100 g


Conditionnée dans une bouteille teintée pour préserver les acides gras essentiels . À conserver à l’abri de la lumière et de la chaleur. A consommer avant la date indiquée sur la bouteille.

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