Walnut oil

Always on the lookout for original and distinctive flavours, Cauvin has selected this walnut oil, whose surprising aromas, immediately identifiable with walnuts, will set your seasonings apart with a fragrant and authentic touch.

Origine UE & Non UE

Packaging 25 cl - 50 cl



Gourmet and authentic, the distinctive taste of this oil will enhance a vinaigrette for seasoning salads such as endives, chicory and dandelion. It is ideal drizzled on fish, grilled vegetables, starchy foods or cheese.
Rich in omega 3

Average nutritional values per 100 g


Conditionnée dans une bouteille teintée pour préserver les acides gras essentiels . À conserver à l’abri de la lumière et de la chaleur. A consommer avant la date indiquée sur la bouteille.

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